School starts next week, and I have concerns.
I just read that our school district is down 1800 teachers. I don't know what my kids will be learning this year or who will be teaching them and I'm nervous. I've spoken with a few teachers and administrator friends I have who work for the district and they're confident things will be alright, but they are always hopeful after a good long summer break. I on the other hand am not so optimistic.
Last year my daughter had two teachers pack up mid-day and leave never to return again. My son had a substitute for math the entire year. Last year the district was down 781 teachers, this year's number is more than double that! I don't know what they have planned, or if they even have a plan!
I was considering home school, it worked really well for us during covid, but I'mma just be honest, I don't really want to do it! I know how important my kid's education is and I don't have the time needed to ensure they get the most out of it. Plus, my kids need to be around other kids. They miss seeing their friends and interacting with adults other than me their dad, a couple of old aunts and their grandma. I don't want to do that to them again.
On top of all of that, I just started a new business that is taking up a lot of my time and growing FAST! I can't slow things down now, especially since it took me 27 failed attempts to get something to finally work! I do not want to lose this opportunity, and we need the money. I was looking forward to them being back in school so that I could pump more time and energy into it, until I read that article.
This is a little stressful y'all. It's one of those moments people didn't warn me about when they were telling me what parenting is like. I had no idea I would have to choose between my kids and my career, and if anyone had told me when faced with this decision, I would be leaning towards my career I would have told them they were crazy, and yet here I am.
Life and it's many twists and turns transitions and elevations will shut your mouth.
Praying for all the mommies out there having a hard time making the tough decisions. We will get through this and our kids won't be too fukd up.
Philena M.
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