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I'm here I didn't quit!

 It's day two of my consistency challenge and I'm already feeling the heat. I got a late start on my day. I usually wake up around 5am and read, I make sure the kids are up and getting ready around 6, We leave at 7:15 and I'm back home cleaning getting ready for my morning workout by 8. By10 I am full of green juice and green water and ready to start work creating word art! Today I woke up at 6:40am the kids were still asleep and didn't want to get up. We didn't leave until 7:45. After I dropped them off, I went to pick up our grocery order and what usually takes me five -ten minutes max took more than thirty minutes because everyone called off today. There was literally one woman bringing out all of the orders and at least ten cars waiting. I was cool, didn't Black Karen out, life is good, I had all the patience for waiting and even more gratitude that I didn't have to go in and do it myself. I took the time to do the reading I didn't do earlier. By the time I got home though it was after nine and by the time I finished putting away the food it was nearly ten.

As you can probably tell I am a very routine person. I work well with a schedule and when one thing is goes wrong it throws my entire day off and I can't get back on track. Instead of picking up where I am or just winging it I usually throw the day away, call it a wash eat snacks and watch tv. 

Today I'm fighting the urge to fix a big bowl of ice cream and finish Russian Dolls on Netflix. It is only day two! I have to get stronger! I will work these consistency muscles!  I owe it to myself to you and all of the people who will benefit from my writing at some point in their journey.  I am going to do what I said and write something everyday!  

I know this is not a masterpiece. It isn't my best work, but dammit it did it. I sat down in front of this computer and tapped these keys. It is done and this is it!

I'm working on a new book, for now I'm calling it The Dungeon. It's a fantasy about a woman living an alternative lifestyle that has come under fire by her local community. She tells stories of things that occur in her home and life to a close friend who knows her and her lifestyle well. Since I started typing this post I have become inspired to work on it so as soon as I finish posting this I'm going to do that. I think I may have found a key to getting consistent, just start and if it's meant to be it will flow naturally. 

It has been a pleasure sharing this moment with you. See you back here same time tomorrow? I'll defiantly put forth the effort! Thanks for reading! 




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