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How are you making money these days?

I've been wondering lately what are you doing to make money?

I'm not usually nosey like this, in fact I am the first to speak out against people who ask the question "What do you do for a living," when you've known them for all of 2 minutes. Questions like this are usually used to judge and rank people and I think that's trash to say the least, however I need some answers! 

In my city housing costs are at an all-time ridiculous high, gas is almost $5 per gallon, and don't even get me started on food. With everything being so expensive you'd think people would be working, but every place I go is short staffed and hiring! On top of that, I've been a stay at home mom for about eight years, I used to do all of my errands and leisure activities with my kids early week day mornings, after rush hour, but before lunch. I could literally be in Walmart with one white haired lady on one of those scooter baskets and three employees, but now there are people everywhere! I'm not mad. It's  nice to have a little company while I'm out enjoying a matinee on two dollar Tuesdays. But seriously, how are you guys supporting yourselves and your families?

 My husband and I are doing okay right now. The bills are getting paid on time, the kids have everything they need, and most of what they want. We have some savings. Life is flowing pretty smoothly, but with the cost of living was rising so rapidly, I had to go back to work. I wanted to be prepared should we need an infusion of extra cash. My husband and I have both seen the other side and we never want to go back there! 

Help your friend out! Comment down below or get in my dm's on social media and tell me what you got going! How are you all able to be out when I'm out so much more these days? What's your side hustle? Your business? Your job? How are you paying all your bills, buying food, taking vacations, and enjoying life?

Here's what I'm doing to make money right now in case you're looking for ways to add to your income too:

1. I recently started a merchandising and mystery shopping business! For those who don't know, that means I work with brands and businesses to ensure their products and services are visible and being presented in the best light. The work is easy, and a lot of fun. I make my own schedule, and with the right client combination the money is really good. I did it for ten years as a side hustle to help with bills while my kids were small, and Instead of going back to a 9-5 once they were both in school I thought why not do this full time? It has been an surprisingly wonderful transition.

2. I write this blog! Blogging is a great source of semi-passive income. I write, post, market it and forget it. Each post makes me anywhere from $100 - $10,000 depending on the product or service I promote withing the post, and where and how I market them. 

3. I'm considering making Tik Toks to teach people how to do both. I think it's important to have income stream options and a lot of times people won't try things because they seem more complicated than they really are. In a couple of months I'll take on the challenge. Be on the look out for that.

That's about it right now! I am always looking for a new projects and ways to increase our family income to the point where we don't have to work anymore so please don't forget to share  how you're making money these days.

Until Next Time

Thanks For Reading 


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